Vision and hearing screening grades K,1,2,3, 5 and 7.
Student health assessments as requested by staff or parents.
Assessment and first aid for serious illnesses and injuries occurring during school.
Appropriate follow-up for above-mentioned conditions, including parent contact and / or activation of 911 services if needed.
Supervision of medication administration and medical procedures at each school.
Develop and oversee health plans for students with life-threatening or chronic health conditions.
Immunization compliance.
Health Services

Registered nurses oversee the health of students and provide the following services:
Please keep students home from school when signs below are present. Students with signs or symptoms of illness at school will need to be picked up promptly.
APPEARANCE / BEHAVIOR – Unusually tired, pale, no appetite.
EYES – Drainage, vision changes, and/or redness of the eyelid or skin around the eye, itchiness, pain, or sensitivity to light. These may be signs of conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) and the student should be evaluated by a medical provider.
FEVER - Temperature of 100 degrees (F) or higher. Student needs to be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school, without the use of medication.
COLD/COUGH or RESPIRATORY SYMPTOMS – Fever, shortness of breath, body aches, new loss of taste or smell, cough, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, congestion or runny nose, sore throat. Stay home while symptoms are present and consider testing for respiratory illnesses. If student tests positive, contact school nurse. Click here for the Parent Handout.
DIARRHEA – 2 or more watery stools in 24 hours. Student should stay home for 24 hours after the last episode, be feeling well, and tolerating a regular diet.
VOMITING – 2 or more episodes in 24 hours. Student should stay home for 24 hours after the last episode, be feeling well, and tolerating a regular diet.
RASH – Students should stay home for bothersome body rashes, especially if accompanied by fever or itching. Some rashes may spread to others and should be evaluated by a health care provider.
OPEN WOUNDS – Open wounds must be kept covered while at school. Any wound that appears to be infected should be evaluated by a medical professional.
CONTAGIOUS DISEASE – REPORT TO SCHOOL NURSE AND STAY HOME: STREP THROAT (can return when has been treated for 24 hours and student feels well enough). CHICKEN POX (student may return when all blisters have scabbed over, usually 5-7 days). OTHER CONTAGIOUS DISEASE – contact school nurse or student’s health care provider for return guidance.
LICE OR SCABIES – Notify school nurse, and may return after treatment
SERIOUS INJURY / SURGERY – contact school nurse to create a plan for the student to return to school safely.
Call your school about your child's health if:
He or she is absent because of illness or injury.
Your student must take medicine at school (see handbook). Link to policy and medication forms
Your child has one of the following illnesses: whooping cough, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, bacterial meningitis, COVID-19, chicken pox, strep throat.
Your child has head lice or scabies.
Your child has a medical condition or injury that will or may affect his school day, or about which the staff or nurse should be aware.
If your student has special health concerns, or to make an appointment with your student’s school nurse, please contact:
Sultan Elementary, Changes Preschool: Rachel Stobbe, RN | Email Rachel Stobbe, 360-793-9830, ext. 1315
Gold Bar Elementary, Sultan Middle School, & Sultan High School: Deb Shirley, RN | Email Deb Shirley, 360-793-9840, ext. 1416
SMS Health Room Assistant: Jenson Sand | Email Jenson Sand, 360-793-9850, ext. 1516
SHS Health Room Assistant: Kathy Hickman | Email Kathy Hickman, 360-793-9860 ext. 1616
All health issues and/or concerns regarding your child are treated confidentially.
Medication at school policy: 574096 (
Medication at school procedure and form: Medication at School (
Asthma form: Asthma Plan.pdf
Sample Food Allergy plan: Food allergy and Anaphylaxis emergency plan.pdf
A website is a creation of Nashi Immigrants Health Board, non-profit organization founded by people in the community in partnership with WA DOH.
What we do: We facilitate connections for our community to necessary health and social resources and advocate for their needs to the greater Washington community. We bring information and resources to our people and make sure that those resources are culturally and linguistically appropriate. CLICK BELOW TO LEARN MORE!
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS – Nashi – Vaccination (
For more information on Sultan School District Health Services, contact:
Dr. Paul Douglas |Assistant Superintendent
Special Programs & School Support
Michelle Rudd | Administrative Assistant
Special Programs & School Support
360-793-9801 ext. 1040