Safety and Security
We are committed to empowering our staff and students to respond to various incidents that could happen in our schools. We plan and prepare for different emergencies and work to mitigate hazards in and around our schools. Should an emergency arise in our area or on campus while school is in session, please be advised that each school has an emergency response plan to respond effectively and efficiently to each situation, maximizing the use of all available resources.
We as a district will continue to do our part by maintaining the physical security at each campus, keeping our staff trained in the latest safety measures, and having a plan in place to handle each incident as it occurs. We ask that you help us by talking to your students at home. When having those difficult conversations about what could happen, encourage your students to follow the direction of the teachers, staff, and emergency personnel who are responding to the situation, take the school safety drills seriously, and on any occasion, DO NOT open the doors of the school to anyone, even if they know them.
The following are some of the safety measures that we take at Sultan School District to maintain the students' safety while on our campuses:
All campuses are completely fenced and secured during school hours.
One public access door to each campus (Main Office)
Visitors must check in at the main office and a badge is given to visitors for identification.
Employees must wear a badge at all times.
Security Cameras at each campus.
"Go bags" in each classroom.
RAVE Panic App is used for all sheriff or medical assistance.
Meet Monthly
Discuss concerns about past and upcoming drills, and safety concerns.
Determine solutions to concerns and how and when to implement them.
Minor changes were determined at the meeting.
Major changes go through the Superintendent or the school board before implementation.
All staff are trained in A.L.I.C.E in the event of an active shooter emergency
To help improve District Staff's response we have enhanced our lockdown procedures, specifically in response to the possibility of intruder situations. The Sultan School District has adopted the ALICE Institute program, whose foundation is the Federal "Run, Hide, Fight" model. A.L.I.C.E. stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate. The basis of this response plan is to provide staff and students with more options. The five steps of A.L.I.C.E are not linear. They can be used by staff and students in any order, as the situation develops. The number one goal of A.L.I.C.E. is to keep students and staff safe and away from harm. We do not train elementary-aged students to counter. The key emphasis is listening to their teacher and following instructions in an emergency.
Most staff are trained in CPR/First Aid.
In an emergency, where students need to evacuate the school campus, the district has locations set up for each campus to go to. Parents would be notified through our emergency communications system within PowerSchool, where to pick up their students. There is a reunification process to release students to their parents, which requires parental identification before student release.
The Sultan School District is regulated by state law to conduct several emergency drills. These drills occur at least once a month and include various evacuations, earthquake responses, security lockdowns, and shelter-in-place procedures.
Staff in the Sultan School District utilize these drills to take the time to explain to students the importance of listening and following directions and to practice procedures that are in place to protect students and staff.
It is important to remember that our schools have a close working relationship with local police and fire. Emergency responders and emergency vehicles may be seen at our schools throughout the day for inspections, drills, and other interactive relationships. The mere presence of emergency vehicles does not constitute an emergency.
In a real emergency, the District will utilize the emergency communication system within PowerSchool. Please ensure that your email and phone contact information is up to date in PowerSchool so you can receive important, time-sensitive announcements.
These voicemail, text, and email announcements will provide as much information as possible about the nature of the emergency, what you should do, and how the emergency does or does not impact your student. Please follow the instructions provided in these emergency notifications. Following an emergency, we will provide additional communication and support.
If you are notified of an emergency at your student's school, please do not go to the school or call the school unless there is a request for parents to pick up their students. The doors will be secured, and visitors could interfere with the emergency response and how quickly the campus can be restored to normal operations. Instructions for parents will be provided through the District's PowerSchool robocall, text, and email. If your child needs to be picked up from school, this system will provide the details and locations for reunification.