Observer Account
Click the logo to go directly to the Canvas for Families login page. You will need to first make an "Observer Account" and connect with your student.
After you have an account, you can use the app on iOS/Android devices or the website: Click the logo to the left to go directly there.
Having a Parent Observer Account is the best way to get insight into your student's classrooms. With an account, you can view course material, review student work, view grade feedback and communicate with teachers through the messaging tool.
Ready to get started? You need a Student Pairing Code. To get a pairing code, ask your teacher or call your school office.
Once you have the pairing code, review the instructions as needed:
If you need help logging in, view the videos below!
Create Account
Click "Parent of a Canvas User? Click Here For An Account" on the top right.
Enter Signup Details
Enter your Full Name in the Your Name field
First and Last please!Enter your email in the Your Email field
Enter your password in the Password field
Re-enter the same password in the Re-Enter Password field
Enter a pairing code to link your account to your student in the Student Pairing Code field.
*Don't have a pairing code? Contact your school's office*Agree to the terms of use by clicking the You agree to the terms of use checkbox
Click the Start Participating button
For more information, visit the Canvas Guide: