Child Find
The Educational Services Department is seeking to locate any students, age birth to 21, who have developmental disabilities or handicapping conditions and are not currently being served. Referral may be made by any concerned person and should be made to the Educational Services Department. Screening is free, but appointments are required. Please contact the district office at 360-793-9801 x1040.
Each school district has a duty to locate students residing within the district who might be in need of special education. This responsibility is called "child find." In order to meet its "child find" obligations, your district will have procedures in place to locate, identify, and evaluate students between the ages of 3 and 21 who are suspected of having a disability and may be eligible for special education and related services.
If at any time you believe your student may need special education, you should contact the counselor at your student's school to request that your student be evaluated for special education. To learn more about the referral process and guidelines, please click here.
Birth to 3 program
The Sultan School District contracts with Snohomish County ITEIP, 3000 Rockefeller, MS 305, Everett WA 98201. The services are provided in your home or in your child's daycare. Our district also participates in Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT).
If you or your doctor is concerned about your infant's or toddler's development contact:
Angie Ahn-Lee at: (425) 388-7114 or (425) 388-7347