steps leading up to a snowy mountain with blue sky

Dear Parents, Patrons, and Community Members,

I hope that this update finds each of you doing well. I want to provide you with an update on a few things with the main item being the election that was held on February 13, 2024. We are now one week removed from the election. I want to thank all of you who took the opportunity to vote. While the results are not what we hoped for, we understand that the results are in, and the bond did not pass. We have not had a board meeting since the election occurred, but I am confident in saying that we do not plan to run another bond at our first opportunity. Instead, as we move forward, we will be putting out a community survey to give us feedback about the bond and provide the opportunity for individuals to give us feedback that will help us better understand the community's needs, concerns, and desires related to our school facilities and overall partnership between the school district and community. The survey will begin distribution around March 1, 2024. 

It is also important that I take a minute to thank the citizens who served on the Citizens Facility Advisory Committee (CFAC). This group was formed through an application process at the beginning of 2023 to look at and understand all aspects of school facilities including preventative maintenance, construction history, school construction financing, impact fees, Study and Survey results, building condition survey, and whatever other topics needed to be addressed. You can find information from the CFAC meetings at the following link. The group attempted to take a very comprehensive look at facilities K-12 and specifically, in addition to the grade reconfiguration bond components K-8 we made a direct request of the Capital Budget Committee within the Washington State Legislature to fund a STEM Center at Sultan High School. The cost of the bond that was put before votes was concerning to us and this was a way to address the entire district without putting it on the taxpayers. This request would fund an 18,560 sq. ft. facility with twelve classrooms. Click here to read the letter to the committee for specific details and click here to read the STEM report. As I write this letter, I do not know if the project will be funded.

Our very own Sultan Turk boys’ basketball team is going to state! This is the third time in history for the program and I am hopeful that the entire community can celebrate this great achievement. They play Montesano High School on Saturday, February 24, 2024, at 4 pm at Tumwater High School. Also, as you may be aware, our cheerleading team won the state championship for the second straight year when they won the 2A, 1A, and B levels at Battleground High School. Finally, congratulations to Elijah Veal (boys) and Jasmine Verheul (girls) who represented Sultan at state for wrestling in the boy and girls’ divisions. 

To conclude, you don’t want to miss the Sultan High School production of the “Wizard of Oz” that will be presented this Thursday, February 22 at 7 pm, Friday, February 23 at 7:00 pm, and Saturday, February 24 for a matinee at 2:00 pm and a final showing that same day at 7:00 pm. You can purchase tickets at the school or at the door. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.


Dan Chaplik, Superintendent