Register for School
Welcome to our district! Your family’s privacy is very important to us. We have a few ways to register for school.
Need more information about our Alternative Programs or to see if space is available, please contact:
Changes Special Education Preschool at GBE - Email Michelle Rudd
Transition to Kindergarten at GBE & SES - Email Megan Clark
Sultan Virtual Academy, Grades K-12 - Email Jason VanZant
Sky Valley Options, Grades 9-12 - Email Jason VanZant
Graduation Alliance, Ages 16+ - Email Jason VanZant
For questions about Early Entrance to Kindergarten/1st Grade - Email Michelle Rudd
FERPA Information & Opt-Out
(High School Students Only) Release of Directory Information to the ARMED FORCES:
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) and the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002 both require high schools to provide military recruiters with access to directory-type information on secondary school students. Upon request, and after notifying parents, schools must release to military recruiters the name, address, and telephone numbers of high school juniors and seniors, unless the parent or eligible student has opted out of the release of this information to military recruiters.
Publishing of Pictures, Videos & Student Art/Work in Schools:
Sultan School District likes to celebrate the achievements of our students and staff. Throughout the year district staff may take photographs of students and school activities. These photographs may appear in various district materials, including the district’s website (, newsletters, yearbooks, brochures, district calendar, etc. We, at times, may also publicize student work.