hands of various people of different skin colors  touch a tree and you can only see their hands. the camera is on the tree facing up to the top of the tree.

Dear Sultan Schools Community,

We understand that there are many questions families have regarding immigration and news reports about how this impacts our public schools.  We acknowledge that these concerns have real impact and implications for our students and members of their family. We strive to ensure that each and every member of our community is safe and knows that they belong in Sultan schools.

The Sultan School District is committed to fostering an educational environment that is safe and free of discrimination for all, regardless of immigration status. Policy 3210, Student Nondiscrimination Policy 5010, Employee Nondiscrimination

Sultan School District does:

·       have a responsibility to ensure that all students who reside within our boundaries can safely access a free public K-12 education

·       have a responsibility to all students and will ensure that all staff and volunteers are aware of the rights of immigrant students to an education

·       prohibit participation or aid in immigration enforcement activity against all persons, including but not limited to students and their families, staff, and volunteers at all school facilities, which include, but are not limited to, adjacent sidewalks, parking areas, sports facilities, playgrounds, and entrances and exits from said building spaces


Sultan School District does not:

·       collect or have access to the immigration status of students or family members

·       exclude students from receiving an education or unlawfully discriminate against anyone because of their race, color, national origin, age, disability, gender identity, immigration or citizenship status, sex, creed, use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, or sexual orientation

Policy 3226, Interviews and Interrogations of Students on School Premises reinforces that staff shall not grant information or access to immigration agents unless/until the District Superintendent and/or General Counsel determine the request complies with Plyler v. Doe and other applicable laws according to the criteria in the associated procedure. Procedure 3226, outlines how this policy will be carried out.

Currently, public schools within the state of Washington, including Sultan, are guided by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction’s “Immigrant Students' Rights to Attend Public Schools.” This guidance, notably, states:

“Washington public schools must not initiate engagement with federal immigration authorities for the purpose of sharing student information. It is inconsistent with our state and federal constitutional mandates to serve every student. 

Before a Washington public school complies with a warrant, judicial order, or subpoena for a student’s records, it must make reasonable efforts to inform the student and/or parents of the warrant, judicial order, or subpoena well enough in advance to give the student and/or parents time to seek a protective order. This is true unless the warrant, judicial order, or subpoena specifically orders the school to refrain from such notification.”

Support for Students

The children and youth of our community are at the heart of everything we do. Their well-being, education, and development are our top priorities, and we are committed to ensuring that our schools remain places of safety, comfort, and growth. Together with families, educators, and the broader community, we will continue to uphold our schools as spaces where students can thrive and reach their full potential.

Supporting students in our schools:

·       Our school counselors will provide safe spaces for any student to process fears or anxieties they may have

·       We will decisively respond to hate speech or actions that denigrate any member of our community

·       We will reinforce our values of safety and belonging through school and district actions

·       We will connect families to community resources to assist them with any supports they require for their children

·       We will continue to provide guidance to staff on how to facilitate constructive and productive dialogue while addressing negative or harmful commentary

Support for Families

Families are the fabric of our community and we embrace, celebrate, and are better for the diversity that we see across Sultan schools. Our goal is to help keep families together, safe, and supported. We will connect families to community resources to assist them with the support they require for their children.

Immigration resources for families:

·       Protections for Immigrant Students in Washington’s K–12 Public Schools (OSPI)

Support for Staff

Our teachers, support staff, and administrators care deeply for the students in our schools, and some may have concerns for the safety and wellbeing of their own families during these uncertain times, in addition to their role as educators.

Resources for staff to support students and families:

School administrators, office staff, counselors, and others who are in school offices have been provided with “Know Your Rights” documents in English and Spanish. We cannot anticipate what might happen in the next few weeks or months, but our staff will continue to keep privacy and safety at the forefront of their work.

All staff should follow these guidelines:

·       Do NOT answer immigration questions from families or provide legal advice; DO refer families to the many immigration resources listed below.

·       Do NOT ask families about their immigration status; DO assure families that we do not record or share that information.

·       Do NOT communicate political opinions or information on school property; DO allow students a safe place to express their opinions and beliefs while pointing them toward resources.

We will continue to provide guidance to staff on how to facilitate constructive and productive dialogue while addressing negative or harmful commentary. 

If laws or guidance for schools change, we will share updates with the community as we are made aware of how they might affect our schools. 

Sultan School District is and will continue to be a community that welcomes and supports people of all backgrounds and identities. You belong here.


Dan Chaplik, Superintendent of Sultan School District

Gigi Gouldner, President, on behalf of the Sultan School District Board of Director