Highly Capable Program. Refer your student for the Highly Capable Program before Dec. 13th.

Does your child exhibit above the norm abilities in one or more of the following domains: intellectual, creative, artistic, leadership, or academic fields such as language arts, mathematics, or science?

Let's support the growth and development of the whole gifted child including their intellectual, social, emotional, and physical domains. Support starts at home! Parents recognize above norm abilities, interests, and passions first.

Parents can engage with their children to provide rich stimulation and learning experiences and discover ways to partner with schools and resources in the broader community to nurture their child’s specialized learning needs.

There are many traits that gifted individuals have in common, but no gifted learner exhibits traits in every area. For more information on helping you understand whether your child is gifted select the link below for a list of traits.

If you would like your child to be tested for Highly Capable Services, please stop by the office for the referral form or download the pdf from our website at: Information about the Highly Capable Program.

The window to refer students for Highly Capable testing is October 7th - December 13th. Please turn in the referral form before December 13th. Testing will occur between January and March and parents will be notified if their student qualifies for Highly Capable services in early May.