The National Junior Honor Society is going to be running a Weekend Meal Pack Food Drive to support the VOA and the Weekend Meal Pack program here at SMS.
Bring non-perishable food items to homeroom- the homeroom for each grade with the most donations wins a donut treat!
Food Drive runs March 27th-31st.
We are looking for:
•Lunch & Dinner: Microwavable mac and cheese cups, completes meals, soup, instant potatoes, tuna fish, ramen, mac and cheese boxes, etc.
•Breakfast: instant oatmeal, mini boxes of cereal, breakfast bars, etc.
•Snacks: applesauce cups, fruit cups, chips, cookies, protein bars, granola bars, PB & crackers, cheese & crackers
Interested in receiving a Weekend Meal Pack? Give us a call at the front office at 360-793-9850.