Cougar Corner October 2022

Happy Fall Cougar Families!

We are looking forward to cooler temperatures and changing colors. Please remember to dress for the weather; wear appropriate shoes on wet/muddy days and consider keeping a pair of dry socks in your backpacks. 

Our playground has a tendency to get muddy when it rains and students can get awfully wet outside in the rainy weather.

We look forward to a month full of learning, growing and continuing to increase our instructional rigor.

Please join us this month in encouraging your student to work hard and meet each day with a growth mindset, an open heart and a positive attitude.

Your students will be working extremely hard this month and will be ready to share with you their progress  during parent teacher conferences in early November.  Keep an eye out for more information later this month.

Important Dates This Month:

October 7th,14th, 21st & 28th– Early Release Fridays *2:12pm Dismissal*

October 9th– Last Day to Purchase Spirit Wear

October 10th-Education Jamboree 6pm-8pm

October 31st-Halloween

SES Spirit Wear Store Is Now Open

Order By October 9th!
Orders will be delivered to the school for disbursement.

Anticipated delivery is 2-3 weeks
after the store close date.

Scan this QR code to order.

 qr spirit wear



Students are allowed to wear school appropriate costumes. 
NO mask or weapons allowed.

Stamp Camp

 Club is for 1st-5th Graders Only
October Dates: 11th & 13th

Cost $12.00 send cash or check to the office.
(Checks should be made payable to SES ASB)
Location: Room 203 & 204 
End Time: 5pm

No School Transportation Available


        Unicycle Camp           

October Dates: 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th
Beginners: 3:45pm—4:30pm
Unicycle Team Members:
Permission slips available in the office.